Diversity as Business Opportunity and Instrument of Thought Control


  • Farhad Dalal


Diversity and Inclusion are two of the modern virtues that have been embraced by the corporate world, as well as most public and private institutions in the UK. The diversity agenda has found a way to prosper, where other egalitarian movements like multiculturalism, feminism and anti-racism have not only floundered but have also been obstructed at every turn. The diversity idea succeeded by the device of claiming that if organizations were to increase the diversity of the workforce it would benefit the already privileged as much as anyone else. The cake itself would get bigger – and so all will benefit from it. You will recognize this as the same trickle-down line that neoliberalism has been trying to sell us for the last fifty years (‘levelling up’ in its most recent incarnation).




How to Cite

Dalal, F. (2022). Diversity as Business Opportunity and Instrument of Thought Control. Free Associations, (86). Retrieved from https://freeassociations.org.uk/FA_New/OJS/index.php/fa/article/view/428



Race, Class and Diversity